Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Curse Those Cookies -- Rotterdam, Holland

Maud took good care of me on Tuesday. I was still wobbly from the cookie disaster, so we spent the day quietly mourning over Monday, eating old cheese and looking at windmills.

"Whenever I forget anything you've told me or anything we've done together, I'm just going to say, "that must have happened on Monday." 'Cos Monday fell into a black hole, or something. I have no idea what happened to that day."

"And I had so many things planned!" Maud moaned. "We were going to cut our hair and I was going to take you to the beach. You were going to try the raw herring and we were going to eat frikandel."


"Too many cookies."


"Too many cookies."

Looking at windmills is not normally considered a strenuous activity, but after half an hour of casually walking back and forth on land flatter than a European pancake, I was positively knackered.

Curse those cookies...

As I was useless and tired, we drove back to Maud's. I packed my bag for our roadtrip to Germany and considered the day good and finished.

Never. Again. Oof. No more missing Mondays. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought you might enjoy this
