Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Snow in the Riviera -- Toulon

As shallow as it may seem, one of the main reasons I came to France was to escape the winter. Before you judge me too harshly, be kind enough to remember that I spent a few months farming in Ireland. It was very, very cold. There were days I had to wake up at six to harvest kale and spinach in the dark, and the frozen leaves made my hands go completely numb. I caught (does one "catch" frostbite?) a mild case of frostbite in Galway, and my feet have yet to completely recover. So while I've always been attracted to the language and cuisine of France, from the wet and cold of Ireland, I was particularly attracted to its sunny, mild weather.

Ha. Hahahaha.

That's god laughing at me.

This last week has been unbelievably dreary. I seriously thought that I had been transported back to Ireland at a few of the very low points (I adore you Ireland, but you do have terrible weather). Aurelie told me that she's lived in Toulon for 12 years and she's never seen weather like this.


All my friends in the French Riviera were posting pictures and videos of the snow on Facebook. As Whitney Houston passed away the same day, half the facebook posts were, "RIP, Whitney!" and the other half were pictures of snow in palm trees.
The cold weather has turned me into somewhat of a hermit for the past few days, so I have little else to report. I think this was Bibou's first time witnessing a snowstorm, so he went outside with Caroline and laughed at cars skidding down the streets. 

There were a lot of cars skidding down the streets. 

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